Graceland’s Secret Staircase Allowed Elvis Presley to Move Around Unseen

Elvis Presley‘s palatial Memphis, TN estate, Graceland, gives fans a close-up look at how the King of Rock and Roll lived. Fans can tour the home and see many of its key areas where Presley played and shared quieter moments with family members and friends. However, when Presley wanted to move around unseen, he used a secret staircase connecting the home’s upstairs and downstairs levels. Where does that staircase lead?

Parts of Elvis Presley’s Graceland remain sealed off from tourists

Presley’s master suite was on the second floor of Graceland. The King of Rock and Roll’s lifeless body was discovered in his private bathroom on Aug. 16, 1977. Five years later, Elvis’ wife, Priscilla, opened the home to the public in 1982. Out of respect for the family, the mansion’s second floor is closed from public view.

The purpose of sealing the upstairs area was to prevent fans from entering the scene of Presley’s death. The rooms have reportedly been left exactly how they were on the fateful day the King of Rock and Roll passed.

However, a secret staircase from the upstairs area led Presley downstairs when he didn’t want to walk through the more common areas of the home. That, too, is closed off to visitors, who can only see one aspect of the ordinary set of stairs.

Where is Graceland’s secret staircase located, and where does it lead?

The home continues to hold a fascination for Presley’s fans, who are eager to learn more about the private life of their favorite entertainer.

Express reported that fans visiting Graceland often ask about a set of first-floor doors. A door on the right leads directly up to Presley’s bedroom. However, during estate tours, fans often pass a second secret door to the left.

The home boasts a secret staircase linking upstairs and downstairs. This path allowed Presley to venture downstairs to the kitchen when he was hungry without passing through the foyer.

The official Graceland site reports that fans often miss a stunning chandelier hanging in the secret stairway during tours. The bejeweled light fixture provides a colorful light show when turned on.

Who is allowed in the upstairs areas of Elvis Presley’s Graceland?

No one can enter Presley’s private suite except his ex-wife Priscilla and his daughter Lisa Marie. The only outsider that can reportedly venture into the area is the Graceland curator.

As reported by Express, the upstairs area of the home has remained virtually untouched since Presley died. The same record he was listening to on his player remains on the turntable. A styrofoam cup remained the same since Presley’s death in Aug. 1977.

Reportedly only one person other than the family and curator has been allowed upstairs. Showbiz Cheat Sheet previously reported that Nicolas Cage, married to Presley’s daughter Lisa Marie for two years, was one of the few invited to see the private suite of rooms.

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