How Did The Beatles Members Come Together as a Band?

The Beatles were one of the most iconic rock bands of all time. They created chaos at their shows because their fans were so obsessed. They sold millions of records, quickly becoming the most famous band in the world during their decade-long stint in the 1960s. And, like many other rock stars, they had their share of falling outs with one another.

These days, only two Beatles remain alive: Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr. But the legacy the The Beatles as a group have left behind is one that modern music will never forget. With that said, how did these ultra-famous Beatles members ever come together in the first place?

How did The Beatles members come together?

It all started in the 1950s. A couple of young teenagers wanted to be famous, so John Lennon spearheaded a local band; they called themselves the Quarrymen, according to Historic Newspapers. At the time, John was only 16, and just a couple of months later, he was introduced to Paul McCartney. McCartney loved the guitar, and when John heard him play, he asked him to be in the band.

McCartney was already friends with George Harrison at the time. Harrison was a bit younger than McCartney and Lennon but wanted to join the band upon hearing them play. At first, it was a no, but as his guitar skill developed and he grew on Lennon, Lennon eventually said yes. Just before 1960, Lennon, McCartney, and Harrison found themselves as the only remaining members of the band, and they needed a drummer. In the meantime, they started calling themselves the Beatles, which essentially paid homage to Buddy Holly’s band, the Crickets. And once they settled on a name, they also found a manager: Brian Epstein.

Ringo Starr didn’t join the band until 1962

By now, The Beatles were a solid band with a lot of potential, but they still didn’t have the right drummer. They’d started recording music in 1962 under Epstein’s management, and when they caught wind of Ringo Starr, they replaced then-drummer Pete Best in favor of Starr. Once all four band members were secured, the songs came naturally. They recorded their debut album, “Please Please Me” in 1963, and it was a pretty instant success.

From there, the band’s popularity only continued to grow. The 1960s proved to be an unbelievable time for the young men, selling out tours all across the world. However, it also led to tensions, including a longstanding feud between McCartney and Lennon. Eventually the band split up, and McCartney and Lennon didn’t talk for years. However, they managed to clear the air before Lennon’s untimely murder in 1980.

These days, McCartney and Starr are still friends. Both men are in their 80s, but they’re even still performing. To this day, the rock and roll world has never seen a band stir up as much excitement as The Beatles, and while Harrison and Lennon have both died, the band’s legacy will continue to leave a mark on modern music for decades to come.

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