Lisa Marie Presley Left This Special Memento Within Elvis Presley’s Coffin

Elvis Presley‘s daughter, Lisa Marie Presley, was just 9 when her father unexpectedly died at his Graceland home on Aug. 16, 1977. Within 48 hours, Elvis’ body lay in state in the doorway of the home’s music room. Lisa Marie wanted to give her father something before his burial. She picked out a special memento for her father to have as she said her final goodbye. Here are the details.

Lisa Marie Presley wanted Elvis Presley to have a special gift

The shock of Elvis Presley’s death was felt worldwide. The king of rock and roll left an indelible imprint on the music and entertainment industries and the public’s consciousness.

At just 42, Elvis died after a 20-year career filled with personal highs and lows. His family quickly arranged a memorial and burial that befitted the entertainer, known for his over-the-top stage shows and lifestyle.

Fans lined up outside Graceland, where they were allowed to file past Elvis’ coffin to pay their final respects. However, just before that, family members were able to spend time with the king for a private funeral.

In a book titled The King is Dead, written by the funeral director who took care of Elvis’ body, Robert Kendall, Lisa Marie asked if she could leave an item to be buried with her father. He claims Lisa Marie asked him, “Mister Kendall, can I give this to my daddy?”

It was a silver bangle bracelet that was placed on Elvis’ right wrist. Kendall wrote that Elvis’ shirt sleeve was pulled over the bracelet so it could not be seen by others, but Lisa Marie knew it was there.

How many people paid their respects to Elvis Presley at Graceland?

Thousands of people lined Elvis Presley Boulevard to pay their respects to the king of rock and roll. Upwards of 25,000 fans filed past Elvis’ body to say a final goodbye.

Elvis’ father, Vernon Presley, reportedly extended the period where fans could enter the home so as many as possible could say farewell. Elvis lay in state in a copper casket, wearing a white suit, light blue shirt, and white tie.

After the viewing, Elvis’ body was moved to Forest Hills Cemetary in Memphis. His mother, Gladys Presley, was also buried there.

Elvis was entombed in the mausoleum after a service for close family and friends. Vernon reportedly accompanied his son’s body during his internment.

Later, Gladys’ body was moved from her final resting place into the crypt next to her son. However, an attempt to steal Elvis’ body for ransom reportedly led Vernon to move his son and wife to Graceland.

How did Graceland’s Meditation Garden become a family gravesit

In the book The King is Dead, Robert Kendall claims that Vernon Presley got approval for six underground burial plots in Graceland’s Meditation Garden. The plan was to move Elvis and Gladys to the family home to ensure the safety of their bodies.

There was also an understanding with the family that it would be illegal to charge admission for fans to visit Elvis and Gladys’ graves. This is why today, fans are allowed to walk Graceland’s driveway to visit the Meditation garden for free.

In October 1977, Elvis and Gladys came home to rest at Graceland for good. Subsequently, Vernon’s body was interred alongside his son and wife in 1979, and the area became a family graveyard.

Vernon’s mother, Minne May Presley, was buried alongside her son in 1980. Following, Elvis’ grandson Benjamin Keough was laid to rest in the garden in 2020, and his mother, Elvis’ daughter Lisa Marie Presley, was interred next to her son in 2023.

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