This Elvis Rumor ‘Disturbed’ Daughter Lisa Marie

Elvis Presley, the “King of Rock and Roll,” has been gone for decades, but his popularity seems more extreme than ever. The release of the recent Elvis movie ignited a firestorm of renewed interest in Presley. It also helped stir up a slew of rumors regarding Presley’s private life, his music, and his influences. While Presley’s family, including his late daughter Lisa Marie Presley, got used to letting rumors roll off their backs, the singer’s daughter once admitted that there was one particular rumor that really “disturbed” her.

Who was Lisa Marie Presley?

Presley was born into a fairytale, raised at the palatial Graceland estate, and spoiled by her legendary father. Presley had access to everything she wanted as a child, from trips on private jets to the latest toys and games. However, everything changed for Presley when her father died when she was just nine years old. Presley became a partial heir of Graceland, assuming full ownership when she was an adult.

Throughout her entire life, Presley was fodder for tabloids and magazines, with many speculating on her private life and various romantic relationships. Her high-profile marriages drew a lot of attention, especially her short-lived marriage to the eccentric singer Michael Jackson. Over the past few years, Presley retreated more and more into the sidelines, especially following the tragic death of her 20-year-old son, Benjamin Keough in 2020. In January 2023, just days after she was seen at the Golden Globe Awards, Presley passed away suddenly of a reported cardiac arrest.

What Elvis Presley rumor ‘disturbed’ Lisa Marie Presley?

Presley was a strong defender of her father’s legacy, and while she always fought hard to keep parts of their story private, she did speak out from time to time about his life and personality. Steve Binder, a longtime associate of Elvis Presley, spoke out in a recent interview, admitting that Elvis’s daughter once contacted him about the rumor that somehow, the legendary singer was still alive.

“Lisa called me up one day and said she was very disturbed with all these rumors going around that Elvis may still be alive,” Binder said, as reported by Best Life Online. “This was when she was still married to Michael Jackson. She wanted to take on the press, but I advised her not to do that. I said, ‘That’s what they want you to do. Just let it happen and it’ll eventually burn out.’ Which it did.” Presley took Binder’s advice and didn’t engage the press over the rumor, maintaining her privacy but likely remaining outraged at the suggestion that her father would have faked his death in any way.

There have been many strange Elvis Presley rumors over the years

In the years since Presley’s death, many rumors have circulated about the singer, some unsavory. According to The Mirror, one of the weirdest rumors involved Presley’s pet monkey, Scatter. Allegedly, Scatter was “sexually aggressive,” acting out at parties in ways that included wrestling exotic dancers to the ground and lifting up women’s clothing. Scatter died in the late ’60s, reportedly several days after biting one of Presley’s maids.

Another pervasive rumor involved Presley’s appetite for snacks, including one reported event that had Presley and his entourage hollowing out no less than 22 loaves of bread and stuffing them with peanut butter, jelly, and fried bacon. Allegedly, Presley and his friends washed down the hearty meal with Dom Perignon champagne. Notably, no one in Presley’s entourage has ever really confirmed or denied this tale, so it remains part of the Presley mythology.

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